Initially contact lenses were made of glass. It was neither comfortable to wear nor made for longer use. That's why; nowadays soft contact lenses are much more popular than the hard one. Soft lenses are made of silicon hydrogels. The basic feature of these lenses is high oxygen permeability. These are easy and light to wear and oxygen can pass through it. Contact lenses do not fog up and are not affected by wet weather. These provide a clear side vision which is important for sports related persons.
Contact lenses help to overcome some problems like near or short sightedness and far sightedness, presbyopia and astigmatism. Actually these types of lenses help to improve vision. These are called corrective contact lenses. Those who have cylindrical power, special types of contact lenses are also available for them. Cosmetic contact lenses are used for aesthetic reasons. It gives a brand new look by changing the color of eyeball. Colored contact lenses are of two types. Enhanced contact lenses help to increase the eye brightness and this is ideal for people with light colored eyes. Opaque lenses hide the actual color of eyes. Therapeutic contact lenses or soft lenses are generally used in eye related surgeries and treatments.
There are some does and don't for the use of contact lenses. Take care of your contact lenses by using a contact lenses solution. After every use, dip these lenses into the solution which helps to remove the dirt specially protein, calcium and lipids that have accumulated during use thus causing irritation in eyes. Disposable contact lenses have to be replaced after a certain period of time. Please follow the expiry guideline. Frequent contact lenses have to be changed after a month or even quarterly. Reusable contact lenses can be used for six months or a year.